About the E4_3_CE42_US_2 Patch

This patch provides the English language version of WebMail/WebCal Corporate Edition version 1 on Messaging Operating System (MOS) 4.3.2-FCS and later releases.
Installing this patch does not remove access to Corporate Edition version 2; with this patch, both versions co-exist. End-users can choose between the two interfaces via footer links (English v2 and English v1) on the Corporate Edition login page.

For more information on the coexistence of the two versions of Corporate Edition, see the System Software Release Notes for your MOS 4.3 release. Each version of Corporate Edition includes its appropriate online help; for manuals about version 1, the Corporate Edition documentation in the MOS 4.2.3 documentation library applies to version 1 running on MOS 4.3.

This patch can also make visible the MOS 4.2 release Administration Suite in addition to the MOS 4.3 Administration Suite, via the login page. Do not use the MOS 4.2 Administration Suite.

This patch is based on WebMail/WebCal Corporate Edition from the MOS 4.2.3-GA release, plus the following fixes specific to Corporate Edition version 1 running in Internet Explorer 9:

Installing this Patch

This patch will install only on the MOS 4.3.2-FCS and later releases until replaced by a newer version.

By installing this software, you accept the terms of the License Agreement printed in the appropriate MOS Release Notes found on the Mirapoint Support Portal .

If the Update List command indicates that E4_3_CE42_US_1 is installed, you must uninstall it first before installing this E4_3_CE42_US_2 patch. Otherwise, installation fails.

To install this patch:

  1. Use a telnet or SSH client to connect to the administration command-line interface (CLI) on port 23 or 22, respectively, on your Mirapoint appliance.

  2. Log in as an administrator.

  3. Get your current system software release with this command:

  4. Version

    If the release is 4.3.2 or later, you can install this patch.

  5. Install this patch with a following command:

  6. Update Install ftp://ftp.mirapoint.com/pub/updates/E4_3_CE42_US_2

    NOTE: The CLI might time out with the "Connection closed by foreign host" message before the command completes. If this happens, the update finishes on its own. To verify completion of this patch installation, use the Update List command.

    Always check the system log for important messages after performing an update -- whether it fails or succeeds.

    Installing or uninstalling this patch may reboot the system.

  7. Display the Corporate Edition version 1 footer on the login page:

    Locale Set Loginfooter On

  8. (Optional) To set the default Corporate Edition to version 1 instead of version 2:

    Locale Set Default en_US.ISO_8859-1L4_2

    NOTE: This command also makes the MOS 4.2 release Administration Suite the default. Do not use it. Click the English 4.3 footer link on the Administration Suite login screen to use the MOS 4.3 Administration Suite instead.

Uninstalling the E-patch:

You can uninstall this patch with the following command:
Update Uninstall E4_3_CE42_US_2