About the D4_3_5_failover_2 Patch

This patch addresses the following issue:


  • This patch reboots the appliance.
  • This patch can be uninstalled, which also reboots the appliance.
  • D4_3_5_nic_failover should be uninstalled, if it exists on the system.
  • Installing the Patch

    Installing patches on clustered appliances requires removing all appliances from the cluster, applying the patch to each, then re-establishing the cluster. Every appliance in the cluster must be running the same MOS version (4.3.5-GA) to install this patch.
    1. Use a telnet client to connect to the administration command-line interface on port 23 of one of the cluster members.

    2. Log in as an administrator.

    3. Issue the following command:
      If version 4.3.5 displays, you can install this patch.

    4. On each of the active units, sequentially, remove the appliance from the cluster and apply the D4_3_5_failover_2 patch with the following CLI commands:
              Cluster Detach
              Update Install ftp://ftp.mirapoint.com/pub/updates/D4_3_5_failover_2
    5. After all active appliances have been updated, log in to the standby unit, identify the cluster name for later use, and apply the D4_3_5_failover_2 patch with the following CLI commands:
      	Cluster List
              Update Install ftp://ftp.mirapoint.com/pub/updates/D4_3_5_failover_2
    6. Make sure all appliances and the standby have rebooted after the patch install, then log in to each active unit and issue the following CLI command to rejoin the cluster, substituting the clustername:
              Cluster Attach clustername
    7. Log in to the standby appliance and issue the following CLI command to associate it with the active appliances configured in the previous step:
              Cluster Scan 

    Always check the system log after installing a patch regardless of whether installation succeeds or fails.
    NOTE: When this patch is uninstalled, the system log will report the following error, which is an expected result and can be ignored:

         System Alert: Patching base packages ... failed.